Facial Cues to Your Health

You look at yourself every day in the mirror. Our faces, often called mirrors of the soul, reveal more than just our emotions and expressions. They can also provide valuable insights into our overall health and well-being. Facial diagnosis, as it’s technically called, is one of the visual diagnostic tools employed by Chinese medicine since its founding. It is an adjunct diagnostic tool as specific signs and symptoms on your face can indicate underlying health conditions. 

Here are five ways Chinese medicine uses facial diagnosis to gain insights into your health and potential imbalances.   

Color and Complexion 

In Chinese medicine, a healthy complexion should be bright, clear, and evenly toned. Different colors or discolorations on the face can indicate imbalances or conditions related to specific organs. A pale complexion may indicate anemia or poor circulation, while a yellowish tint may indicate liver problems or jaundice. 

Corrective measures using herbal remedies such as Blood Tonic, an herbal iron supplement for anemia, or Liver Support to help clear excessive bilirubin, the yellowish pigment from the skin. This formula can help to restore one’s healthy pink hue and skin complexion.  

Lines and Wrinkles

Lines and wrinkles on the face allow us to understand a person's health. For example, deep vertical lines between the eyebrows suggest liver imbalances, while horizontal lines on the forehead could be associated with excessive worry or stress. 

Interestingly, studies show that while facial expressions are linked to one’s emotions which underlie the lines and wrinkles on your face, consciously changing the expression of your face can actually positively impact your emotions. The good news is that reducing your facial lines through acupuncture in stimulating collagen production can also uplift your mood. 

Facial Shape and Symmetry

The overall shape and symmetry of the face are helpful diagnostic tools in Chinese medicine. Specific facial shapes and imbalances in symmetry may be associated with constitutional tendencies such as determining your Five Elements Personality and potential health issues. 

For example, a round, puffy face may indicate a Water Element constitution or tendency for kidney or adrenal health concerns. An angular, sculpted face indicates Fire Element and corresponds to heart and cardiovascular health tendencies. Take a quiz here to discover your Element. 

Facial Features

Facial features, such as the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, and ears, are observed for signs and patterns. Each area is associated with specific organs or systems in the body, and changes in their appearance may provide insights into potential imbalances or health issues related to those areas. 

Facial Zones

The face is divided into various zones, each associated with specific organs or meridians in the body. The forehead is associated with the digestive system, particularly the stomach and intestines. The nose connects to the heart and cardiovascular system. The cheeks are associated with the respiratory system, including the lungs. Eyes and eyebrows are linked to kidney, liver, or adrenal gland imbalances. The mouth and chin are associated with the digestive system, specifically the spleen and stomach. Changes in this area may indicate digestion, nutrient absorption, or hormonal imbalances. The chin is also linked to the reproductive system and can reflect imbalances in the menstrual cycle.

To learn more about facial diagnosis, check out Dr. Mao’s book, Secrets of Self Healing, where he shows how you can do a health inventory through self-assessments as well as using dietary, nutritional, herbal, acupressure, and qigong protocols for self-healing.  

We invite you to inquire with the doctors at Tao of Wellness to learn more about what your face is telling you about your health. Remember that these associations are general guidelines, and Chinese medicine takes into consideration a whole multitude of factors. By working with your team of doctors at the Tao of Wellness, we can further develop a treatment plan to help you increase your longevity and vigor in everyday life.