Don't Let Stress Make You Sick

As we welcome the changing seasons, the cooler air, the longer nights, back to school, and the anticipation of the holiday season, we also transition to the less welcome season of cold and flu. We must do what we can to keep our immune system at its strongest. One of the ways we do this is by taking care of the stress in our lives to ensure it doesn’t wear down our defenses. Today, I’ll discuss how chronic stress influences our susceptibility to illness and what we can do to fortify our immune system to stay well.  

Chronic stress can have a detrimental impact on the immune system, undermining its ability to defend the body against infections and maintain overall health. One of the key stress-related hormones, cortisol, is released in response to stressors and plays a central role in immune regulation. While short-term cortisol release can help dampen inflammation and control immune responses, chronic stress can lead to consistently elevated cortisol levels. This prolonged exposure to cortisol can suppress immune cell production, reduce immune cells' function, such as T lymphocytes and macrophages, and impair the body’s ability to generate a robust immune response when needed. As a result, individuals experiencing chronic stress may become more susceptible to infection, take longer to recover from illnesses, and have a higher risk of developing immune-related health problems.

Stress-busting Tip #1:

Meditate your stress away. Studies show that daily meditation can lower cortisol and your body's stress response. Download Calm Meditation and start meditating today. 

Additionally, stress can promote chronic, low-grade inflammation by triggering the release of pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines. This persistent state of inflammation can further weaken the immune system and increase the risk of various health issues, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even certain cancers. Therefore, effective stress management strategies are essential for mental well-being and supporting a strong and resilient immune system. 

Stress-busting Tip #2: 

Eat more enzyme-rich fruits like papaya and pineapple. Studies show that these fruit's

Papain and bromelain are as effective as Celebrex without the side effects. Or take Inflammation Support containing both helpful enzymes. 

How Can Acupuncture Help? 

Strengthen Immune Response

Targeting specific points, acupuncture stimulates the body to release natural substances by increasing the production of red and white blood cells and T cells that can enhance immune function.

Stress Reduction

Acupuncture sessions can promote relaxation and reduce stress, which can have a negative impact on the immune system. 

Improved Circulation 

Acupuncture enhances blood circulation, which can help distribute immune cells and antibodies more effectively throughout the body.

Stress-busting Tip #3: 

Acupressure can be helpful when you cannot get in to see your acupuncture doctor. Try stimulating the acupoint Inner Gate (P6) two inches above your inner wrist crease between the two tendons. Press for five minutes while engaged in slow and deep breathing. Download the Secrets of Longevity Acupressure Healing booklet

Stress Management for Immunity

It is important to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle to support a robust immune system. Here are a few things we recommend: 

Adequate Sleep 

Sleep is essential for restoring your mind and body. Establish a regular sleep routine and create a comfortable sleep environment. Need some help getting quality sleep? Try our Sanctuary Sleep Capsules formula to help you wake up fresh and rejuvenated. 

Move Your Body

Qi Gong, or movement meditation, can relax the mind and body. The gentle forms of Qi Gong help you to stay present in the moment, aid in the circulation of fascia and ligaments, and revitalize your health. Eight Treasures and Self Healing Qi Gong are both excellent! 

Eat a Healthy Diet 

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid excessive caffeine, dairy, sugar, and processed foods, which can contribute to stress and mood swings.

Stress-busting Tip #4: 

Take Immunity at the first sign of a cold or a flu to shorten the duration of your symptoms. It contains Japanese honeysuckle, forsythia, and other herbs that have been found to possess antiviral properties.

Take proactive steps to manage your stress and bolster your immune system. A little awareness every day can help. By nurturing our body and mind, we pave the way for a stronger, more resilient immune system, ensuring we can embrace this new season before us. And if you need assistance, the Tao of Wellness is here to support you.