A System Reset for 2022 - How Detox Can Help Your Weight-Loss Goals

Each year, many of us choose weight loss as our #1 goal. Whether it is to tackle health problems or to simply look better in a mirror, millions of people embark on this oft-times frustrating journey. Health products market their latest “get skinny now” regimen and although some people do manage to lose weight, it often rebounds later. People try cutting carbs, drinking diet shakes, or counting calories, and yet the cycle of weight loss and weight gain continues.

One reason why stubborn fat may not be coming off is toxicity in the body. Impurities in our air, food, and water can have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs, and overall well-being. Pesticides, artificial colorings and flavors, and growth hormones are just a few of the dangers in our food. The EPA estimates that up to 7,000 pollutants exist in drinking water alone. In addition, cleaning products and cosmetics contain toxic chemicals. Even cooking pans can leach toxic substances into our bodies.

Our liver and kidneys are the organs in charge of filtering out harmful chemicals. The liver, a cleansing organ, helps cleanse the blood, assimilate nutrients, and metabolize fat. The kidneys, our purification organs, help regulate blood pressure, deal with the overload of impurities, and prevent the buildup of extra bodily wastes and fluids. When the liver and kidneys are overburdened, they cannot do their jobs efficiently. Fatigue, allergies, low immunity, bloating, headaches, and even moodiness are signs of toxic overload. And, yes, toxicity contributes to weight gain.

As the body accumulates toxins in its cells, our body’s natural defense is to increase inflammation and surround toxic cells with adipose (fat) tissue to slow the ability of toxins to enter the bloodstream and make us sick. When our body is out of balance, adipose tissue accumulates, digestive weakness arises, and our metabolism shifts into weight-gain mode. Inflammation affects our gut, causing nausea and indigestion. Our cardiovascular system is taxed, leading to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Joints can become painful, and our circulation slows down.

When we shed toxic chemicals from our body, it will be free to respond to our weight loss goals in a process similar to getting an oil change to make our car run smoothly. Just like changing the air filters in our home, our body needs support in order to do a system reset. There is no better way to get a jump on weight loss goals than by detoxifying our bodies to release impurities and expedite burning excess fat.

If this rings true for you, then you deserve more. Now that you are aware, you owe it to yourself to make small changes to improve your current circumstances and you can make sustained lifestyle modifications with just a few simple changes. Small steps like reducing the consumption of processed foods, drinking and cooking with filtered water, and adding power-packed nutritional foods such as avocados, beets, and plenty of green vegetables will go a long way toward a more balanced life.

One easy first step you can begin tomorrow morning is to drink a glass of warm lemon water to help detoxify your liver. If you would like further support, you might want to consider our Tao of Wellness one-day detox treatments in which acupuncture, herbs, lymphatic massage, and infrared heat therapy can supercharge your body on your way to health. This is a great time to schedule a detox cleanse and to actualize your intention to be a leaner, cleaner, healthier, new you.