Detox to Reach your Weight Loss Goals

At the beginning of every year, many of us choose weight loss as our #1 goal. Whether it is to tackle health problems or simply to look good in the mirror, millions of us embark on what ultimately turns out to be a frustrating journey. Health products market their latest “get skinny now” regimens and some people do in fact, manage to lose a little weight but the frustration always lies in the rebound of weight afterward.

People everywhere are cutting carbs, drinking shakes, and so … the starvation cycle continues.

One reason that we are probably not losing stubborn fat is because of toxicity in our bodies. Impurities in our air, food, and water have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs, and our overall well-being. Pesticides, artificial colorings and flavors, along with growth hormones are only a few of the present dangers in what we consume. The EPA estimates that up to 7,000 pollutants exist in drinking water; in addition, cleaning products and cosmetics contain toxic chemicals, and even our cooking pans can leach toxic substances into our bodies.

Our liver and kidneys filter out harmful chemicals. Our liver, a cleansing organ, helps clean the blood, helps us assimilate nutrients, and aids in fat metabolism. Our kidneys are purifying organs; they help us regulate blood pressure and deal with toxins that prevent the buildup of wastes and bodily fluids.

When our liver and kidneys are overburdened, they cannot do their jobs efficiently. Fatigue, allergies, low immunity, bloating, headaches, even moodiness … are signs of toxic overload. And, yes, toxicity does contribute to weight gain!

As our bodies accumulate toxins, its natural defense is to increase inflammation and surround toxic cells with adipose tissue (fat cells). It is this adipose (fat) tissue that slows the ability of toxins to get into our bloodstream, that needs to be filtered out before they make us sick.

When our bodies are out of balance, fat tissue accumulates, digestive weaknesses arise, and our metabolism shifts into weight-gain mode. Inflammation affects our gut and gives us nausea and indigestion. Our cardiovascular system is overtaxed as well, which leads to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Our joints become achy, and our circulation slows.

When we are able to shed toxic chemicals from our bodies, our bodies will be free to respond to our weight-loss goals. Just like getting an oil change that makes our cars run smoothly, our bodies need support in order to create a system reset.

There is no better way to get a jump on weight loss goals other than detoxifying our body to release impurities and expedite the burning of excess fat. If any of the above health symptoms ring true to you, you deserve better. Now that you have some awareness involved in weight gain, you owe it to yourself to make the small changes that can improve your current circumstances.

With just a few simple changes, made one week at a time, we can make sustained lifestyle modifications. Small steps to accomplish weight loss include reducing the consumption of processed foods, drinking and cooking with filtered water, along with adding power-packed nutritional foods like avocados, beets, and plenty of green vegetables that can lead us toward enjoying a more healthy, balanced life.

One easy step that we can take and begin tomorrow is to drink warm lemon water every morning to help detoxify our liver. If you would like to have further support on a weight-control journey, please consider Tao of Wellness detox treatments in which acupuncture, herbs, lymphatic massage, and infrared heat therapy can supercharge your body and lead you on the path to health.