Gratitude for Nature

I had the opportunity to go on a nature stroll with my young son the other day. We went to Franklin Canyon Lake, a beautiful oasis tucked away in the Santa Monica Mountains above metropolitan Los Angeles. It’s a small reservoir surrounded by a dirt path where you can enjoy being in the trees, watching the birds, and soaking in the silence. We took some time watching turtles basking themselves on branches and noticing how the water rolled off ducks’ feathers as they bathed themselves.

In a city of almost 4 million residents, we only saw about six people: an older man wearing slacks, sneakers, and carrying trekking poles talked to us about the koi in the pond. A twenty-something male was composing artistic pictures with his smartphone and a family with two young daughters were having a picnic on a tucked-away table. It was such a joy to see all of them enjoying nature and it was beautiful to be with and connect with my son.

I realize that when I get the opportunity to be outdoors in nature, my mind slows down and I feel calmer. I am able to be present with everything that surrounds me. I feel refreshed and more aware. It doesn’t matter if I’m on a strenuous hike or out a stroll; I feel the wind on my skin, the sun on my face, and hear all the different sounds that nature gifts to me at that moment.

Nature truly is a gift. We all have the opportunity to be outside on a daily basis. We are blessed with many days of sunshine and accessibility to natural spaces including local parks. The more we are able to be out in nature, no matter how small the space, the greater positive effect it has on our lives.

I’ll leave you with this quote by the famous naturalist, John Muir:

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.”