REFLECTIONS: Inhale, Exhale for Fertility

I was leading a group in gentle chi gong movements when I realized the group wasn’t breathing; they were intensely focused on copying the way my arms and legs were moving. I asked them to breathe and relax, and not take the movements so seriously. When we played with energy and allowed our breathing to move us rather than thinking about the next steps, the room became quieter and their movements flowed easily and freely.

It’s nice to see relaxation happen in real-time. I see it after teaching movement meditation, I see it in my patients after an acupuncture session, I see it in myself when I sit quietly and watch my breathing rise and fall. 

Stress is inherent in our world. A little stress is acceptable but when we are over-stressed, our nervous system kicks into fight or flight mode. If your body is under constant stress, your organ systems like digestion, immunity, and reproduction take a back seat to survival. Yes, your sex hormones can be in a state of imbalance due to chronic stress.  

Ovaries can be affected by stress, either altering the timing of ovulation or not ovulating at all. Irregular or missed periods can occur more frequently. Men are included in this too; chronic stress in men can lower semen quality. And sex drive can be lower in both males and females when they are under stress. 

In a 2014 study from Ohio State University, over 400 couples were tested for their stress levels over the course of a year. Those that exhibited the highest number of stress hormones had a decrease of 29% in the probability of getting pregnant and their risk of infertility doubled. So, what can you do? Exercises like yoga or tai chi, connecting with others, painting, even a simple one-minute impromptu laughing session can do wonders for your psyche.  

Meditation is one of my favorite stress relievers. It takes you from a place of tension and welcomes the calm state that is naturally within each of us. It doesn’t take much to be a meditator; you don’t need fancy techniques or trendy classes to learn how to meditate, you just have to want to make a positive change in your life. 

Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Inhale, exhale, and repeat. Be gentle with yourself. Allow your thoughts to flow without attaching to them and find your inner smile.