Acu-stoned: That Post-Acupuncture Feeling!

What a year this has been; you can almost see the aura of concern, worry, and anxiety that is surrounding us. Although we as individuals may not be aware that we were experiencing “stress,” the collective energy of 2020 has created such a buzz in the air that it would be nearly impossible for any of us to escape it.

Every day we see our patient’s reactions to stress in our clinic, but the good news is that acupuncture and Chinese medicine are able to make a big difference in the way they feel. When I remove acupuncture needles from my patients and send them on their way, I can see that they are leaving with a renewed spirit—as if the weight of the world’s events have been lifted from their shoulders and some of my colleagues describe this fresh, renewed feeling as being “Acu-stoned.”

The reason that acupuncture treatment makes people feel so good is that it taps into the autonomic nervous system and decreases tension and the “fight-or-flight” response that that many of us are experiencing. Its effect is similar to what happens when we take a deep slow breath when we’re nervous or tense; it slows the heart rate, calms the digestion system, and decreases muscle tension.

Studies also show that acupuncture also releases endorphins that some people recognize as a runner’s high; it stimulates neurotransmitters that release oxytocin (the love hormone), serotonin (the mood leveler), and dopamine (the pleasure/reward system) all of which increase acupuncture’s therapeutic effect.

We encourage you to schedule an appointment in order to become a balanced and refreshed version of yourself. When you take time-out for self-care, you can become a better partner, parent, or leader who is able to think clearly, is decisive, and ready to take the steps that will need to be taken as we move into the future.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had a treatment; it’s time for a tune up. You don’t have to have problems or have an illness in order to come in for an acupuncture treatment—the good news is that not only does acupuncture boost immunity, it also taps into your feel-good hormones so that you too can experience that wonderful “Acu-stoned” feeling.