Balance & Restore: Tips for Detox- Fluids and Exercise


Carry a water bottle with you and sip from it all day long.

Place your water bottle where you can see it.

Drink even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty.

Aim for at least eight glasses, two liters, or ½ gallon of fluids a day.

Alternative liquids: decaf coffee, herbal teas, juice, milk, smoothies, carbonated drinks, sports drinks, coconut water, broth, bouillon, beer, wine.


Commit to taking a walk, every single day.

Carry a water bottle with you.

Take regular sips of water as you walk.

Pay attention to colors, shadows, and smells.

Start small and build up slowly.

Add short bursts of fast walking to your usual pace.

Replace walking shoes every 3 to 5 months.