The Benefits of Acupuncture for Your Skin

With the advent of social media and access to a broader scope of opinions, the focus on the superficial aspect of the body versus the internal health of the body is becoming the norm. Aging occurs due to external and internal factors. Physically, we see the appearance of skin quality change on the face. Topical products, including Botox and fillers, only serve as a bandaid or cover-up for skin aging. What we put into our bodies, supplements, medications, foods, the sun, and our genetic makeup are critical factors in how gracefully or not our skin will handle aging. 

Historically in Western society, we have viewed acupuncture as being utilized primarily for pain management. More research on acupuncture in the last 50 years shows its benefits for pain, mental health, autoimmune issues, immunity, weight loss, co-morbidities, and skin health. 

Research shows acupuncture affects the nervous system, both sensory and motor. Acupuncture can stimulate the cardiovascular system by improving blood flow, facial muscles, skin tone, and elasticity while promoting the detoxing of the lymphatic system, including local connective tissues and collagen growth. This may reduce crow's feet, laugh lines, and those pesky necklines.

Further research shows acupuncture affects the brain and hormonal pathways of the body. Estrogen, in particular, declines as we age. During peri-menopause and menopause, this estrogen decline creates dry skin, hormonal acne, and dry hair. Acupuncture regulates hormonal balance, including estrogen, helping to slow down the skin aging process. 

Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive procedure that focuses on the body's internal health, treating the root cause of skin aging. In Chinese medicine, the Lung opens to the skin and regulates water with the Large Intestine. These help support the skin's hydration and give it its dewy, youthful glow. The Stomach meridian passes through the face, and these local acupuncture points are needled to tone the facial muscles and treat hormonal acne along with acupuncture points on the Spleen meridian. The Spleen governs the muscles and manages the blood, while the Stomach is the resource for making both Qi (energy) and Blood.

Acupuncture needles create a minor trauma just below the skin's surface, signaling the body to repair the injury. This natural process stimulates the skin to repair, regenerating collagen and elastic properties. This gives us more smooth, youthful, and plumper-looking skin. In conjunction with acupuncture, we suggest our Collagen Boost Max. Made with collagen peptides, including bovine and chicken, the formula supports healthy skin, joints, tendons, and bones. 

Along with acupuncture, we at Tao of Wellness advise nutritional changes, electro-stimulation on the face, an herbal face mask, Detox Tuina with cupping, and herbal remedies ingested to promote Qi (energy), blood, and body fluids. We aim to help the body retain longevity and stay youthful on the outside and inside.

If you are interested in restoring the quality of your skin or want to focus on the longevity of your skin, please contact the Tao of Wellness to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors.