The Benefits of Movement on Inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is actually an immune response, defending the body against infection, injury, and pain? Inflammation causes cells to be activated, which trap disease and bacteria and help promote the healing of body tissues. Some immune responses can be quick, including a sore throat, blisters after a burn, or swelling after a cut or scrape, while others can be chronic and more severe. Chronic inflammation can range from immune responses to colds/flu, asthma, allergies, COPD, exposure to mold and irritants, autoimmune disorders, stress, and terminal illness. 

Chronic inflammation is one of the most common causes of death worldwide, causing joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, type 1 and 2 diabetes, irritable bowel disorder, Alzheimer's, and chronic kidney disease. While we can’t always stop the causes of inflammation, we can create a healthy lifestyle to minimize and balance our body’s response. Managing lifestyle, physical movement, and diet is essential when encountering inflammation. 

According to research, physical movement has been shown to lower inflammatory markers, separate from weight loss. While weight gain and obesity can cause more inflammation, a sedentary lifestyle without weight gain is also a cause of inflammation throughout the body. On the other hand, over-exercising, sprains, and strains create inflammation that may defeat the benefits of movement, so below, we present activities that are health-promoting. 

Studies show that exercising or doing physical movement for twenty minutes daily reduces bodily inflammation and boosts immunity. Physical exercise or activity also reduces adipose (fat) tissue inflammation and fat masses, contributing to weight gain and obesity. 

From a Chinese medicine perspective, movement and exercise activate the flow of Qi and Blood throughout the meridians and organs, reducing pesky inflammation that affects our gut health, appetite, sleep cycles, and mental wellness.

Below are exercises and movements we recommend to help keep inflammation at bay:

Qi-Gong / Tai-Chi

Gentle movements from tai qi, qi gong, and yoga can reduce stress and help promote the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the body, reducing inflammation and the risk of illness. Use relaxing stretches and movements to ease your body into joint-friendly exercise designed to activate your core, Qi, and circulation through Dao-In Yoga or Qi Gong for Weight Wellness. We caution against doing too much hot yoga, as it can deplete the body's fluids, causing dryness and increasing inflammation. An alternate option to sweat would be a weekly infrared sauna. Download learning videos for tai chi, qi gong, and Dao-In Yoga. Or sign up for morning classes at Yo San University. 

Swimming and Cycling

These are low-impact exercises that focus on heart health and circulation. Cycling targets the legs and abs, while swimming is a whole-body movement that promotes a range of motion. Often, the miles of blood vessels transport wastes and toxins, which can inflame the walls of the arteries and veins, leading to injuries and calcification. We recommended pairing exercise with the Home Detox Kit, including dry brushing, herbal tea, and baths to eliminate toxins and decrease inflammatory responses. Additionally, Inflammation Support, containing the enzymes bromelain and papain and partnered with vitamin C and other herbs, can help your body break down waste proteins, support healthy chemical reactions in cells, and promote healthy digestion. 

Resistance Training

Anti-inflammatory proteins in muscles have been shown to increase with resistance training, supporting age-related illnesses such as muscle atrophy, loss, or osteoporosis. This exercise also improves joint stability and flexibility, reducing injury risks and promoting mobility. It positively affects mental health, reducing anxiety and depression symptoms and boosting self-esteem. Additionally, it aids in managing chronic conditions like diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, making it a comprehensive approach to overall health and fitness. We recommend pairing resistance training with Carnitine, an amino acid that enhances energy production by assisting in transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, promoting improved endurance and muscle strengthening. 

As outlined above, proper movements can have many benefits, including reduced inflammation. However, keep in mind that when injuries occur, seek treatments like acupuncture, bodywork, and herbal therapy promptly so that the corresponding inflammation does not become chronic and destructive to your health and longevity. Call Tao of Wellness offices immediately as we have same-day appointments.