Life Lessons Learned from my Cats

A cat’s brain measures about two inches, resembles a human brain, and is considered one of the most intelligent mammals in the world. Cats have an innate power to survive without humans, yet they copy us, follow us and take care of us when we feel blue. Cats are full of mystery, curiosity, and independence; each has a unique personality. 

I have always had a love for animals, especially cats. They have been a part of my life since I was 6. I love and bond with my two cats, Mishu and Mr. Nobu. Mishu is the uptown gal, hailing from the streets of Manhattan, while Mr. Nobu, my little boy, used his charm and wit to survive a Los Angeles County Animal Shelter. 

While they are both rescues and have very different upbringings, they get along with one another and accept and trust each other. They clean and protect one another, sleep together and play together. They have this remarkable ability to adapt and live in the present moment while staying calm and relaxed. They never judge and never hate, yet they have boundaries regarding their personal space. 

The Simple Pleasures in Life

My cats have taught me that life is about simple pleasures and the importance of being with the ones we love. They understand the importance of giving and receiving love naturally and unconditionally, yet take time to groom, eat, relax and just be. My cats constantly remind me that it is ok to take time off to play and have fun, lounge and sleep in the sun, pamper myself and sit in silence. 

Go After What You Want in Life

My cats have taught me to seek out what I want, yet to do it with grace, confidence, and integrity. By having boundaries, they constantly remind me to stay out of other people's business and protect my personal and mental space. It has taught me that if something or someone in my life isn't working, it's time for a change and to move onward and upward. 

Curiosity and Adventure

Curiosity is the desire to learn or investigate something that intrigues us. Cats have such exceptional curiosity and often get into trouble being too curious. I remember one Christmas; we had blinking lights on the Christmas tree. One of my cats was extremely curious about those lights and couldn't help herself. She would try and jump at the lights and climb the tree. One night we heard a huge thud; we all ran downstairs and found the tree toppled over with the Christmas tree lights still blinking yet ripped from the tree. Her curiosity nearly got her in trouble, but at the same time, her adventurous spirit made us all laugh. It’s important as humans that we have this ability to be curious and adventurous, to ask questions, and live adventurously without harming others but also allowing ourselves to grow and move forward in life.

Each of us has a little Cat personality inside us. As we move into the New Year, find your inner Cat and let it guide you to an adventurous spirit, curiosity, simplicity, and love for everyone. I wish you a happy holiday season!