Infection and Cancer: Don't Ignore the Deadly Microbes

Among the top causes of cancer, infection is often overlooked. Yet, up to 20% of cancer cases are due to viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections. In developing countries, the percentage can run as high as 30%. In this article, I will show you the link between infection and cancer, how to keep your immune system optimum and how to prevent and treat infections naturally.


How Do Infections Lead to Cancer?

Some viruses affect the cellular genome by inserting their genes into the cell, causing mutations and out-of-control growth. Infections, in general, can cause chronic inflammation leading to changes in the cell, which may eventually lead to cancer. Moreover, certain types of infection can suppress a person’s immune system, leading to a loss of cancer-fighting capability.


COVID-19 and Cancer

According to preliminary research, the recent pandemic of COVID-19 may have predisposed those infected to develop cancer and accelerate cancer progression and metastasis by activating oncogenic or cancer-causing pathways. Other mechanisms include tissue damage due to inflammatory cytokine storm, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to oxidative stress that damages cell DNA, and hypoxic or low oxygen environments that increase tumor cell spread in the body.


The Role of a Healthy Immune System

When your immune system functions optimally, it catches the enemy—infectious agents at the outset. It quickly removes any revolts from within its ranks due to inflammation and voids unnecessary collateral damage that can lead to cancer.


Prevention is Worth More than its Weight in Gold

Sun Si Miao, the revered physician of 7th century China advocated prevention rather than the use of expensive treatments AFTER the disease has occurred. His preventive herbal formulas often featured medicinal mushrooms like reishi, cordyceps, and shiitakes. During cold and flu season, I advise my patients to take the Natural Immunity PLUS supplement that contains the ingredients mentioned above, as well as other mushrooms such as lions mane, turkey tail, Chaga, and other ingredients known for their immune boosting microbes-inhibiting and cancer-fighting properties. I take it daily, year-round, for prevention purposes. 


Microbes and the Cancers that they Cause

Besides COVID-19, many infections can lead to cancers. The following is a partial list of cancers caused by infections:


• Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) increases the risks of lymphomas, nose and throat cancers, and stomach cancer.

• Hepatitis B and C viruses can lead to lymphomas and liver cancer.

• Bacterias like streptococcus cause throat infection, porphyromonas cause gingivitis, and fusobacterium cause periodontal disease. 

All three have been implicated in up to 1/3 of all colorectal cancer cases.

• Human Papilloma Viruses (HPVs), also known as warts, can cause cancers of the cervix, mouth, throat, anus, and penis.

• Heliobacter pylori is a common bacteria that causes reflux disorder and can vastly increase one’s risk of stomach and esophageal cancers.

• Chlamydia infection in women can increase the chances of cervical cancer

• Parasites like liver flukes (Opisthorchis and Clonorchis) have been linked to an increased risk of developing cancer of the bile duct


While avoiding exposure to microbes is impossible, the only way to remain healthy is to keep your immune system strong. Below I outline ways to maintain healthy immunity and naturally fight off infections.


Viruses - The key to preventing viruses from spreading is to stop their replication in their tracks. Natural antivirals include lysine (Virplex), astragalus, and Berberine.


Bacteria - The bacteria population has a unique ecosystem; when good bacteria are dominant, they keep the bad ones under control. This is why taking a carefully formulated multi-strain Super Probiotics formula is critical. Other natural antibacterial includes oregano, bee propolis, and olive leaf.


Parasites - Common parasites include Giardia, cryptosporidium, and Trichinella. Easy ways to get parasites are through food. For all you sushi lovers, I hope you are paying attention because you certainly HAVE parasites. Just as you deworm your pets, humans should undertake regular, natural anti-parasite protocols to help rid themselves of parasites. Natural anti-helminths include Berberine, pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, wormwood, and aloe vera.


In conclusion, don’t let infections take control and cause damage to your body and, worse, cancer. Fight back by keeping your immune system functioning optimally by taking preventive herbs like medicinal mushrooms and nutrients. If you come down with an infection, treat it immediately with an integrative approach using both Chinese and Western medicines. Do not delay and allow the infection to damage your cell’s DNA, leading to the beginning of cancer.