Preventing or Delaying Diabetes. Is it possible?

By Dr. Daoshing Ni

According to the leading national public health institute, the CDC, more than 50 million people in the USA are pre-diabetic or diabetic, and sadly many pre-diabetics will progress to full-blown diabetes within five years. So how did this happen?

At least half of pre-diabetics are smokers or were former smokers, and nine out of ten are overweight or obese. Nearly half exercise less than 10 minutes per week and 75% have elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. The number of adults who are in danger of contracting type 2 diabetes has become so alarming that the CDC has established a national prevention program to try and reverse the trend.

It is easy to see that lifestyle plays a major role in both the cause and prevention of diabetes, and many studies have shown that reducing weight and increasing activity can delay or even prevent it. The CDC offers a program that provides a full year of education and support for professionals and the public; but in the meantime, here are some steps we can take to improve our odds:


There are appropriate quantities and types of foods that are better choices. At Tao of Wellness our practitioners can tailor a sustainable dietary regimen that will help you lose weight and keep it off.


By adding 150 minutes of exercise per week you can cut their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58%, or 71% if you are over sixty.


An appropriate amount of stress is normal but an excessive amount can create an undue burden on your health. Have a frank look at your stressors to determine whether you are incurring too much stress or are simply overreacting to it.


Adults require 7½ to 8 hours of uninterrupted restorative sleep. When you do not get enough sleep, you encourage the progression of the disease.


A positive attitude is closely associated with a healthy body and quality of life. Explore ways to improve your outlook and attitude.


Habits are hard to break. Engage the help of family, friends, or health care providers if you still smoke, drink excessive amounts of alcohol, exercise too little, consume too many calories, or are besieged with stress.


You are your own best doctor. Research and learn all you can about preventing or slowing down the progression of diabetes with diet and lifestyle modification.

Change is difficult even for those of us who are self-disciplined so engage a cheerleader or partner to spur you on. Many healthcare providers can also assist you in this endeavor, including nurses, physicians, nutritionists, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, and life coaches. At Tao of Wellness we strongly believe that prevention is the best medicine, and we will help you establish a program with concrete steps to take, then follow through and support you on your journey toward better health. Yes, you can beat the odds for developing diabetes or improve the outcome if you already incurred it.