Dr. Mao's Herbal Corner: Codonopsis

For this month’s herb corner, I have chosen to feature Codonopsis, a root that is widely used in Chinese medicine to support healthy digestive function, increase energy, build blood, and increase the flow of qi (chi) or life-force energy. Codonopsis root, or dang shen, is also known as poor man’s ginseng; it is a genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family. Codonopsis is native to Northeastern China and it is often included as an ingredient in nourishing Chinese teas and soups.

In Chinese five element theory, the digestive system is related to the Earth Element which includes all the organs responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. A person with a healthy digestive system is referred to as having “abundant earth” and an abundance of earth energy is related to the enjoyment of long life and robust health.

Codonopsis has many healing properties. Here are three of them:

Protection for Digestive Tract

The digestive system is vulnerable to assault from bacteria, cancer-causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and alcohol. Research into Codonopsis extract on gastric ulcers showed significant protective effect on gastric mucosal damage caused by alcohol, reduction in the production of gastric acid and the severity of stress induced ulcers. Other studies show that the polysaccharide from Codonopsis was able to inhibit the activities of human gastric adenocarcinoma (stomach cancer) and hepatoma carcinoma (liver cancer).

Insulin and Glucose Balance

Codonopsis has been found to reverse insulin resistance and effectively decrease fasting blood glucose and insulin in serum. In other words, long term use of Codonopsis can help manage Type 2 diabetes. 

Anti-aging and Cancer Prevention

Studies show that Codonopsis can enhance antioxidant activities of potent enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase and greatly reduce a byproduct called malondialdehyde (MDA) that can cause damage to cellular DNA. It has also been found to enhance immunity by increasing the thymus index and spleen index. Codonopsis may delay the onset of senility because it is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce lipofuscin, a waste product created by aging in the brain. 

Codonopsis is the main ingredient in our Earth Element formula for optimizing digestion, enhancing energy and balancing metabolism that was passed down through many generations of our Ni family tradition. Codonopsis can also be made into pleasant-tasting tea: 

Codonopsis Tea with Fruit and Berries

2 tbsp. chopped Codonopsis root

1 tsp. dried goji berries

1 tsp. dried longan fruit

Simmer for 15 minutes in 3 cups of water. Strain and serve hot with a slice of lemon.

Enjoy your summer!